Spiritual Psychology With Renee Mckenna

167. Unearned Guilt



There are two kinds of guilt. Healthy guilt is when we act badly and our own conscience in letting us know we need to change our behavior. Unhealthy guilt is triggered when we step outside of the often unwritten codes and expectations of our families, cultures, religions or other institutions. Unearned, or innapropriate guilt, is rooted in the judgement, beliefs or feelings of others. It is external. Healthy or appropriate guilt is rooted in our own internal value systems and inner integrity. Often these external and internal value systems are in conflict. Renee talks about being a criminal, making amends, and the often complex choices each of us will make as we navigate the path of our own evolution and growing integrity. Being conscious about the origins of our guilt can help us make mature choices that relieve us of unearned guilt. ----- Please follow me on Insight Timer! Rate, Review & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts. If you like this podcast click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars,