Clear The Clutter

EP 67: 3 things to do when money doesn't feel safe



Episode + Journal Prompts Get all the other links mention on the podcast here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Show Notes  I finally got my voice back. Thank god lol. There last few a weeks have been challenging. I had a my third cold in as many months. And this last one was so bad, that it forced me to take a few days off work because I lost my voice, little mermaid style. Now, if you know anything about me, I love a down day like the rest of us. But to completely stop everything except for the basics for a few weeks, is just crazy hard for me. I Love To Work. I Love To Show Up And Make Money. I Love To Talk. My water rowing machine is my vibe. And when my body forced me to stop and rest, well I didn’t take it well. I’ve been trying to more aware when my body forces me t