Clear The Clutter

EP 70: The practical steps to take when making room for abundance to show up



Episode + Journal Prompts Get all the other links mention on the podcast here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Show Notes The new year has just started and your ready to start making progress on your goals.  Your ready to start that side hustle, hit the gym, do the thing. But.... then scheduling gets in the way. Something unexpected comes up and throws you off the path before it even became a path. Or your trying to do to much and don't know what to do next. Is it buy the course? Sign up for the free webinar? Do the latest crash diet? But only for a little bit... So, since you don't know what to do.  You buy the thing.  You  lean into the distraction, and don't take any action. You stay in learning mode. Its hard to remember that in the moment.  Especial