Clear The Clutter

EP 72: How to gain momentum your life by building the wheel.



Episode + Journal Prompts Get all the other links mention on the podcast here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Show Notes I’m betting that you heard about the quote about not reinventing the wheel. Well there is more truth to that than you can imagine. But we all kinda do it. We do is a bunch of random things. That are not related or done in any manner that we can test. We start and stop diets with out looking at what’s working and what’s not. We buy courses or books but never make the space to read them. We even do this at work, by constantly doing little bits of our job differently every time. Now you might be thinking that testing is boring. Ill let you in on a little secret. It kinda is. I don’t like testing for testing sakes. But I do love testing so that I can see what’s w