Attra - Sustainable Agriculture

In the Pigpen with Mike and Linda, 20 Questions about Pastured Hogs



In this episode of Voices from the Field, NCAT Agriculture Specialist Mike Lewis talks about pastured hogs based on his experience on his Kentucky farm, where he raises farrow-to-finish heritage hogs on pasture and in the woods.  NCAT Livestock Specialist Linda Coffey poses questions to Mike asked by her beginning farmer son, John, who plans to raise pastured hogs in Arkansas. Mike shares valuable tips about reducing feed cost, making the enterprise labor efficient, taking good care of the land, and starting small to figure out what your niche will be.  Many other practical topics are covered in this episode, which is the first of a series called “In the Pigpen with Mike and Linda.” If you would like Mike and Linda to do more episodes and maybe connect with them about a topic for the series, you can reach them at or    Related ATTRA Resources: ·        Hogs: Pastured or Forested Production·        Farrowing on Pasture·        Looking for On-farm Diversification? Consider Pastur