Superwomen With Rebecca Minkoff

Encore Episode: Amy Shecter on Creativity, Failure and Growth



*At the time of this interview, Amy Shecter was the CEO of Glamsquad. She is now the CEO of Ever/Body.* How would your life be different if you were less afraid to make mistakes, to “fail”? Amy Shecter doesn’t think women let themselves fail enough, and she thinks it’s high time we become less risk-averse. Statistically, she says, women will only take risks when they feel 95-100% confident in a favorable outcome, versus the average man, who will take the same risk at only 50% confidence. And what, really, is there to lose? Most of the time a supposed failure simply means you’re that much closer to the next success. Amy spent years in fashion and footwear before delving into the world of fitness and beauty. She immediately saw it as an expanding consumer market. Now the CEO of Glamsquad, a company that brings hair, nail and makeup artists to your door, Amy finds excitement not only in great products and services for clients, but also in the fact that Glamsquad gives freelance beauty professionals a platform to