The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

506 Never Underestimate The Importance Of Context As A Leader



 Leaders are time poor.  There is too much to do and not enough time.  We are constantly being challenged to get control of our time management and for most of us, that struggle is often one we are losing.   Meeting and emails are time killers.  Multi-tasking is a given, which means that we are constantly losing time, as we keep having to get back up to speed on something we were concentrating on, to do something we hadn’t expected or diarised for that day. The upshot of all of this is our communication becomes very clipped.  We are speaking in short form all of the time, because we don’t have enough time for the full explanation.  When we have children, we are constantly handing out orders.  Don’t do this or that, don’t touch this or that.  We don’t take the time to explain the why, we just tell them the what.  We carry that same methodology into the workplace.  If we recorded you for a full day, I think you would be shocked to hear how much of your day is telling people what to do. Often we give them no or