Escaping The Cave: The Toddzilla X-pod

#118 - Propaganda: Inseminating Zealots & The Religious Mind



Taken from two episodes released in 2019, I begin laying the 2023 foundation for a return to my unfinished series focussing on Jacques Ellul's book, Propaganda. This episode focused on how propaganda severs the individual from themselves, robs them of their intellectual autonomy, and "crystallizes" inseminated thoughts, opinions, and agendas, inside the propagandee host. It then uses slogans, symbols, stereotypes, agitprop, and the warm glow of tribal fellowship, to turn them into malleable proselytes and militants always awaiting their righteous marching orders. More of what’s covered: a preview of what’s to come and having the real Courage to be Disliked as opposed to surrendering to fear and social momentum to avoid the pain, and punishment, of leaving a group.     "ToddzillaX" on most social media. LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE! Jacques Ellul's "Propaganda":