Lawful Stupid: A Dungeons And Dragons 5e Podcast

Campaign 1 Season 1 Episode 17 | Beyond the Gates of Eurie



Atlas, Rowan, and Kristoff have almost made it to Eurie on behalf of Magister Tressel of Oxbane. It is time to clear their name once and for all and get to the bottom of the missing persons case. The only way to do this is to confront Ambassador Sheer in person.     SHOUTOUTS!    SPOTLIGHT ON CHAOTIC GOODNESS PODCAST! We are a group of people who have been passionate about roleplaying games and most things nerdy for many years now.  We are all also parents.  We met each other over the years because all of us were looking to get back into roleplaying games after various lengths of time in order to have some fun and help cope with the stresses of being a parent and adulting.     PALADIN ROLEPLAYING Please take some time to visit our friends Paladin Roleplaying at Paladin carries some of the best looking dice in the game. Pun intended. Their best seller  is the antique bronze dice set and storage tin to match! They have