Lawful Stupid: A Dungeons And Dragons 5e Podcast

Campaign 1 Season 1 Episode 27 | Strength in Numbers



The boys manage to regroup with the remaining survivors of Oxbane and make plans to shut the door that is releasing the gigiantic creatures from their realm. There are some last minute things  to take care of before striking out to the Magister's Keep. Tempers will be raised, relationships tested, and new adventurers accompany the boys on their next goal.     We at Lawful Stupid are a D&D 5e actual play podcast who actually love to play. We love everything about the Tabletop RPG Community and constantly stive to make the world a better place within that community through inclusivity, creativity, charitable acts, and above all else, fantastical heroism. If you want to be a part of the amazing dnd community of artists, creators, and all around amazing fun people we are building please join us in our discord, send any questions to our email, and consider making a donation to our charity of the month all found below, or just check out our website for everything in one spot. Check out