Real Crime Profile

#427: Stolen Youth - Interview with Director Zach Heinzerling | Part 3



We are thrilled that Zach Heinzerling, director of the amazing Hulu docuseries “Stolen Youth” joined us to talk about his experience capturing the incredible story of Isabella Pollok, Claudia Drury, Dan Levin, Santos, Yalitza, and Felicia Rosario, all victims of Larry Ray who coercively controlled them, abused and tortured them for years.Zach tells us why he wanted to make the docs-series, and what he learned from the survivors about how it could happen — how these bright, young, vibrant people could come under the control of this master manipulator. Zach also shares some things he was unable to include in the docuseries. Don’t miss it. #StolenYouth #TaliaRay #IsabellaPollok #ClaudiaDrury #DanLevin #SantosRosario #YalitzaRosario #FeliciaRosario #CoerciveControl #Victims #Survivors#SarahLawrenceCollege #Mastermanipulator #LarryRay #CultLeader #FBI #NewScotlandYard#CriminalProfilers #realcrimeprofile #podcast #TrueCrime #ExpertAnalysis #Hulu #Documentary #ZachHeinzerling Follow us and continue th