Amanda Carroll

#27 Four Reasons Why....YOU are Perfectly Loved with Rachael Lampa



Woah! Things you NEVER knew about Rachael Lampa... a teenage sensation, who quit singing Christian music, became a nanny, and background singer , found herself in prison ministry 5 days a week with Toby Mac's wife, Amanda, and writes the lyrics to her new song, "Perfectly Loved"...I'm convinced it's on it's way to #1. It feels like she the lyrics are out of my personal journal!1. WHY Rachael left Christian Music? [4:33] Bravest thing Rachael has ever done: Rachael became a sensation in Christian Music at only 15 years old. She shares her story on why she left her label at 21 years old because she was completely burned out. So what did she do? She became a nanny, sang backup with the Jonas Brothers and began a journey to find herself...again. Total Reset! [6:59] "I didn't know what it was like not to be on stage or on a mic. That is what was forming me on who I was and that was a problem." -Rachael Lampa [7:30] What it was like singing background and on tour with Jonas Brothers. She says they put on a