Amanda Carroll

#34 What is Missing vs What is There | The 10 Minute Strategy to Finally Experience Joy During The Holidays



Want to experience more happiness? Yes me too! This strategy is going to help you do it! I get it the holidays are supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, but they are also the most stressful and difficult. It doesn't have to be that way! Try this 10 minute exercise to demonstrate how good you actually have it! This is SO powerful you are going to want to share it with all of your friends. I'd be honored if you shared this episode with as many people as possible! When we are all less stressed, we are all experiencing more joy together! Highlights in this episode: 1. [ 2:42] What is Missing. Make a list of all that you think is missing in your life right now. 2. [4:13] What is There. Make a list of all that you have right now in the present in your life that is bringing you joy. Which list is longer? "when you focus on all the things that you have instead of all the things that you don't have, you will always feel like you have more." 3. [7:01] What God says: Jesus came to give us the a