Ali Fitness Podcast

Regaining Thyroid Health with Paleo/Primal Expert Elle Russ - EP002



Elle Russ was doing everything ‘right.’ She was eating a low-fat, low-carb diet and doing high-intensity cardio workouts regularly. Unfortunately, her primal brain thought that she was starving and running from danger, and in an effort to protect her, it asked her body to produce less thyroid hormone. Elle gained fifty pounds – despite working out two hours a day – and suffered from 30-plus debilitating symptoms. When the medical community offered no solution, she became her own doctor and resolved two severe bouts of hypothyroidism in ten years with a combination of thyroid hormone replacement therapy and a dedicated Paleo/Primal lifestyle.  Elle is a writer, actor and life coach. An alumna of the prestigious Second City–Chicago comedy theatre, she began her acting and writing career in sketch comedy and improvisation. She has gone on to write sitcoms, documentaries, drama, and non-fiction, including The Paleo Thyroid Solution, the only lifestyle and weight loss plan for maximizing thyroid metabolism in alig