Ab Conversation

Chicky Parm Twist on a Stick



As the famous Jack Skellington, aka the Pumpkin King, once said... "What's this? What's this?"...  Well I'll tell you what this is! It's a brand new episode from the AB CONVERSATION! There is a lot here to digest inside your earholes. For example: movies, television, comic books, and something you shouldn't ever put into your ears... FOOD! How did all of that fit into one episode!? Well, that was the easy part because you just hit record (copyright Joseph Gordon Levitt. I don't know if his last name has one T or two T's... but for the sake of me not wanting to Ask Jeeves (I don't know if this is how you spell Jeeves... but for the sake of me not wanting to Bing it (I don't know if Bing is still a thing that exists...) ) ) (I lost track of how many parenthesis I had open and if I am properly closing all of the threads... What I am really trying to say is... WE. HATE. SAUERKRAUT. That's all we're trying to say. Congratulations on having a new episode for you to listen to. What we say or do in this podcas