Building Utah

Speaking on Business: Friends for Sight



This is Derek Miller Speaking on Business. Vision disorders are the most prevalent disabling condition for children in the United States and most can be corrected. However, early detection can help. Friends for Sight Executive Director Jamie Justice shares more. JAMIE JUSTICE: An estimated 58,000 children in Utah alone struggle in school due to poor eyesight, and only half of those children who need vision correction receive it. The impact of poor eyesight on school performance is profound. In fact, many children with poor eyesight show some of the same behavioral problems as those who are ultimately diagnosed with attention deficit disorders. With timely diagnosis from a professional, marked improvement in all aspects of young lives is possible with vision correction. That’s why we spend so much time in schools providing vision screenings. We also have two Vision Clinics and SightFest event where we partner with local optometrists and ophthalmologists to provide free, full eye exams and access to glas