Building Utah

Speaking on Business: People Helping People



This is Derek Miller Speaking on Business. For almost 30 years, the local nonprofit, People Helping People, has been committed to helping low-income women and single moms reach their full potential in the workplace. Senior Program Manager Abby Warr shares more. ABBY WARR: Utah has one of the largest wage gaps in the nation, with women earning approximately 30 percent less than men. On top of that, the average working mom earned 58 cents for every dollar a working dad earned. People Helping People is dedicated to reducing the number of children living in poverty by helping low-income women and single moms reach adequate income through successful employment. People Helping People supports the long-term employment success of our clients by teaching from the employers’ perspective and providing positive role models, mentors, and examples of success. We have an upcoming Single Mother’s Seminar and Job Fair on March 23rd, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Sorenson Unity Center. This event is open to the public an