Persevering When the Task Seems Impossible | GRiT – Pt. 1 | Filipe Santos



In our new series, GRiT, we’re looking at the lives of men and women of the Bible who demonstrated tremendous endurance and faith in the midst of impossible circumstances, unclear futures, insecurities, and the odds that were stacked against them.  Their stories show us how a perfect God works through imperfect people — often to do the seemingly impossible. And as a result of their faith, they left remarkable legacies that — thousands of years later — still teach us today how to persevere or endure even when doing hard things.This week, we look at the story of Noah, who was: righteous before God and blameless among people because “he walked in close fellowship with God.” And that propelled him to accomplish the seemingly impossible.And so can we.----------------------------------------Check in to let us support you in your journey. If you’re new here, you’ll also receive a free digital gift card!→  Follow along with the message notes:→  Decided to