Barley & Me

Episode 170: Courtney Edwards of KC Kombucha and Director Preston Allen of Unhoused Neighbors



Host Ben Rice travels to Sacramento, CA, to visit KC Kombucha in Oak Park to talk with owner Courtney Edwards and filmmaker/director Preston Allen about kombucha's place in the fermentation world, as well as Preston's upcoming documentary Unhoused Neighbors. We explore kombucha as az preferred nightcap beverage, how to de-funk the typically odorous beverage, and the US's combative relationship with the unhoused and why a documentary like Unhoused Neighbors could help with that. Plus! Experimentation in the kombucha world (what does Cherry Chai Kombucha even taste like?), the many health aspects of the drink in question, some of the outreach programs available via Loaves & Fishes, and Ben's tech metal/societal ideology crossover theory for DEI. All this and more, on episode 170 of Barley & Me. Enjoy!Preston is set to film for an entire year, following different individuals through each season of the year. You can find out more at Follow their journey on IG @unhousedneighbors_Find