Awesomecast: Tech And Gadget Talk

Episode 96: AwesomeCast 96: Tin Hats for the Common Man



Rob, Chachi, and Sorg are back again for this weekâ??s episode. We even get a sneak peek at Robâ??s work facilities, as heâ??s live from the undisclosed location of awesome! Prior to today, Instagram has been populated by IOS users â?? but today, the Android market is taking over. And, itâ??s driving Rob nuts! We find out that Sorg is picky about who he follows on Twitter. With the recent news about Ashton Kutcher being picked to portray Steve Jobs, we of course have to make a mention of it. Foursquare revokes location API for an app that searches for girls in the vicinity. Flooding in Taiwan and the earthquake in Japan have apparently caused prices of hard drives to sky rocket, making Sorg angry. Used technology, including phones and game consoles with hard drives, can be â??hackedâ?? for personal information. Terror cells are using XBox for its private party services. More great content creators coming to YouTube (and this makes Sorg unrealistically excited). Mr. Handyman (Rob) also points out the Craftsman