Customer Service Academy

128: Beyond Gut Instincts - Let Data and Benchmarking Be Your Guide With Barbara Boden and Ann McNally



In this episode, we welcome Barbara Boden and Ann McNally into the studio to talk about data, insights, vendor relationships, and moving from insights to action.  They have also created a new tool called Criterion, which is a membership driven platform to find information on questions leaders have about their business and specific topics.     - The best organizations use data to make decisions and prioritize resources.   - Work with your contract partners to connect your cultures in a meaningful way.   - Just getting the data isn't enough - share the information widely to harness the brainpower of your organization.   - Don't let data rot in a desk drawer, you must take action on what you learn to improve your business. - In times of uncertainty, data keeps the focus where it matters most.     Links From The Show:         It's time for the great service comeback!   Tony Johnson is a Customer Experience Expert, Keynote