Sydney Writers' Festival

The Collaborators



If creativity and building a cultural and intellectual contribution are difficult undertakings, does doing it in collaboration with another person make it easier or harder? Whether making a podcast, writing a book or building a following are two heads better than one? With their acclaimed podcast, Ladies, We Need to Talk Yumi Stynes and Claudine Ryan tackle taboos and topics that women want to explore but are too afraid to share. Taking their partnership to the next level, the two released a book that dove deeper into the forbidden conversations of bodies, health, sex and relationships. Join Yumi and Claudine as they compare notes on the highs and lows, the advantages and disadvantages of working with one another. This panel will be moderated by interviewer and curator, Michaela Kalowski. If you enjoyed this episode, please rate and follow our channel. Sydney Writers' Festival podcasts are available on all major podcast platforms.See for privacy information.