Homegirls, Casos De La Vida Real

EP:62 Got my teeth done in Miami!



A quick summary of how my experience was with getting veneers in Miami Florida at CG SMILES. I eventually want to record an actual YouTube video review on them, but before I forget I wanted to do this quick run down and let you know the major points in case you are considering getting a smile makeover. For context, I had always had low self esteem about my teeth believe it or not but since I had issues with my body as well.. that kinda stole the spotlight from me focusing too much on my low self esteem teeth wise lol. Once I had my body semi "fixed" lol my mouth really became an issue. Not having a pretty smile has been holding me back from living my life to the fullest! Doing videos, youtube etc so it was only a matter a time before I jumped on this. It is a VERY VERY EXPENSIVE process so it took me a long a$$ time honestly but here we are! Almost done! I got porcelain veneers top and bottom, crowns and dental implants! If you are considering doing this, girl do it!