Your Mileage May Vary

Soaking, Ketamine, Eye Contact, Aroused G Spots, Automatic Orgasms, Camgirl Menus



Soaking is the practice of placing the penis in the vagina but not moving, presumably to enjoy intimacy with a partner but without violating religious strictures against premarital sex. We discuss a couple who soaked while watching a movie, but then the situation got too intense and progressed from the figurative to the literal. Keith attended some sort of Ketamine-fueled San Francisco Eyes Wide Shut party, complete with a naked hot tub. His claim was his eyes were focused on the view of the bridge and the bay. That's not what I would have been looking at. Mike only likes submissive eye contact, not the kind that searches for a true interpersonal connection. Seems normal. And we investigate the details of a camgirl's menu. Frankly, she's missing the point. Camgirls need to take charge and show a real interest in the proceedings. Just the presence of a menu suggests a passive, somewhat uninterested role. That's not what men want when they're hunting for online sex. To check out the menu discussed at the begin