Reality Reflections With Kendra Von Esh

Trust Like A Child.....



So, I had to trust the Holy Spirit today to guide me, to lead me and to make sure I said what He wanted me to say - in a whole NEW way! I met with quite a few people about Faith Coaching and what it would mean if we partnered together on the journey. Every single person is in a different place, every person is very much wanting to get closer to God and I talked to the Holy Spirit all day long. It is so important that I listen and get prompted from Him to say things (or NOT say things) so that I can help bring them to a deeper relationship with God.  THAT IS MY MISSION - and I cannot do it FOR Him - I must do it WITH Him. I was a complete child - "Is this right, Holy Spirit, am I doing that right, Holy Spirit, do you want me to say this - uh, okay - I won't - what about that....?" I was ON FIRE and this is how we should be living every single day. But, as the Gospel shouted at me this morning, we must all have the childlike trust and be perpetual learners! :)  --- Support this podcast: https://anc