Understanding Christianity

SANCTIFICATION Part TWO: The Third Use of the LAW



Dr. Sean Cole continues the teaching on the order of salvation--focusing on progressive sanctification. While we cannot lose our salvation, we still struggle with sin. The Holy Spirit will progressively and continuously make us more holy and rid the pollution of sin in our lives. This session's central teaching: Sanctification involves obedience to God’s Law as a rule for living. He discusses the three uses of the law: Use ONE: To expose our sins and crush us in despair for breaking God’s law. Use TWO: A moral standard to govern civil society. Use THREE: The Law is a rule for obedience given to BELIEVERS. You can watch the video of this teaching on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sean.cole.16144/videos/1199844603977083 YouTube https://www.facebook.com/sean.cole.16144/videos/1199844603977083