Radical With David Platt

Don’t Hold Back (Part 1)



When is the last time you acknowledged that you were desperate for God? When is the last time you came to him, pouring out your heart, longing for his presence and grace and power to obey him? In this message from Isaiah 54:2, David Platt exhorts us not to hold back in our pursuit of God and in our desire to bring glory to him. As the bride of Christ, the church should not want to hold back in becoming all that God intends for us. This message is drawn from themes from David’s new book, Don’t Hold Back: Leaving Behind the American Gospel to Follow Jesus Fully.––––––––––––In David Platt's newest book, Don't Hold Back, he challenges Christians to break free from an American gospel that prioritizes comfort, power, prosperity, politics – and to pursue instead the full beauty of the gospel of Jesus.Learn more at DontHoldBackBook.com