Radical With David Platt

Don't Hold Back (Part 2)



There is a constant temptation for all of us to settle for a safe, easy, comfortable Christianity that consists of casually going through motions on Sunday morning and moving on with our lives however we want to live them.  But that is not biblical Christianity, and it’s not what we’re made for. In this message from Exodus 14, David Platt urges the church to pursue the Lord’s lead and not to hold back from following him. Relying on God’s Word and empowered by his Spirit, we look expectantly for how the Lord will work out his saving purposes in and through us.––––––––––––In David Platt's newest book, Don't Hold Back, he challenges Christians to break free from an American gospel that prioritizes comfort, power, prosperity, politics – and to pursue instead the full beauty of the gospel of Jesus.Learn more at DontHoldBackBook.com