Red-c Roundup

296 Karl Keating: 1054 and All That



In this episode of RED-C Roundup, host Deacon Mike Beauvais interviewed Karl Keating, founder and Senior Fellow of Catholic Answers, about his new book, 1054 and All That: A Lighthearted History of the Catholic Church.  As stated in the book summary, “From the first to the twenty-first century, here's all the Catholic history anyone can (or needs to) remember, with loads of laughs along the way.  Saints and sinners, popes and princes, councils and conundrums: it's all here, in a way to lighten your heart, broaden your smile, and expand your knowledge.”  Karl has always enjoyed his visits with Deacon Mike, so when this book was written, RED-C Roundup was definitely on the list of Karl Keating’s desired interviews!