Tanti Table

Amplify Black Voices: Part 1



We joined a panel of black women podcasters this episode because we needed a space where we could express ourselves, not explain ourselves. The fatigue of quarantine, pandemic anxiety, and the violence of white supremacy has us searching for comfort in community. Our friends & colleagues discuss the Black Diaspora, tokenization, and debunk the stereotypes plaguing black bodies. Historian Dr. Edna Bonhomme joins us for the 2nd time this season along with comedian Kate Cheka, hip-hop artist Cassianne Lawrence, and photographer Ropafadzo Murombo. This episode was recorded shortly after the immense global response to George Floyd’s murder and contains explicit language and references to violence that may be disturbing. To find out more about the panelists follow us @tantitablepodcast.Tanti Table- Thinkers. Anecdotes. News. Taboos. Intersectionality.Hosts: Goitsy Montsho, Armeghan Taheri, Rhea RamjohnExecutive Producer: Rhea RamjohnMusic: Shannon SeaCover: Mariama Sow