Makom Israel Teachers Lounge

Is there still a chance for a two-state solution?



Is there still a chance for a two-state solution?For the last nine decades, whenever outsiders looked at the conflict between Jews and Arabs between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean Sea, they have come up with the same idea. Since both people have claims to the land, it will need to be split. A two-state solution refers to the idea of establishing two independent states for Israelis and Palestinians, respectively, living side by side within recognized borders. This usually means creating an independent Palestinian state in the territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, alongside the State of Israel. The two states would have their own governments, laws, and security forces, and would coexist peacefully and diplomatically, recognizing each other's sovereignty and right to exist.Of course, no such thing has ever existed. The specific details of how such a solution would be implemented remain subject to ongoing debate and disagreement between the two sides and the international community. We can imagine