Hey Girl

Redemption Out of the Dust with Stephanie Teague - S3 E21



Dear Listeners, Real Talk. Show notes are the bane of my existence. They are literally the worst part of having a podcast. They murder my soul. If these were not reasons enough to put an end to this madness, the sheer number of arguments that show note deadlines have created in my marriage should be.   I have a theory that show notes are an unnecessary source of information that can easily be replaced with some good old fashion facebook stalking. Please feel free to use the links below to get to know this week’s guest or reach out to them directly. They are awesome and worth your google efforts.   Connect with Stephanie Teague Facebook     Connect with Out of the Dust Spotify || YouTube || Apple Music || Instagram || Facebook   Connect with hey girl podcast Instagram || Facebook || Twitter   Connect with Bethany Website  || Instagram || Facebook || Twitter