Merch Money

Share Your Brilliance with D’vorah Lansky (Plus KDP Tips and Q&A)



D’vorah Lansky joined our group last year to learn about print on demand, but I ended up realizing that we could learn a lot from her as well!  She is very humble so it took me a long time to realize just how much she knows and just how long she has been succeeding on KDP.  I am thrilled to have D’vorah as our guest on the show today! (March 16 at 8pm EST.) Be sure to post all of your KDP questions below and we will be sure to answer them on the show!   ✅Here is D’vorah’s Bio: D’vorah Lansky, M.Ed. from is the bestselling author of over 20 books including; the Action Guides for Authors series of workbooks and journals. Since 2007, D’vorah has taught online courses to thousands of authors across the globe.   She specializes in teaching authors how to share their brilliance with the world, by publishing action-oriented guides and workbooks and creating online courses.   ✅If you would like to learn more from D’vorah, she is offering our group $100 off  h