Merch Money

How To Maintain A Positive Mindset in Difficult Times with Hayden Humphrey



Mindset is always important, but I believe it is even more important in difficult times.  Our guest for the show tonight is Hayden Humphrey.  He has helped many entrepreneurs and leaders improve their mindset and become clear on what actions they can take to become the person and entrepreneur that they want to become.  We will be discussing ways to maintain a positive mindset and become clear on your goals.   Here is a brief bio on Hayden:  Hayden moved to San Francisco to pursue a job at a technology startup.  He then worked at LinkedIn through an elite rotational program for high potential young professionals.  Although it was a great job, he did not feel fulfilled and left his full-time job to pursue entrepreneurship.  He hired a Life Coach to support him in this transition, and enrolled in a program called Accomplishment Coaching. After graduating from the program, he became part of the Leadership Team to grow my own leadership and to train new coaches, all the whi