Country Squire Radio

The Pipe in Modern Mythology



What is the pipe's role in modern mythology? Have we lost the narrative entirely? And what responsibility does the modern pipe community have in telling our own stories? Get ready from some major soapboxing this episode. Pipe Question:  Jeremy Dukes - pipe cleaners. They come in “soft’n’fluffy” and “hard’n’bristly”. I’ve always tended towards the hard cleaners because I refurbished so many pipes and used those bristles to really get the gunk out, but some swear soft is the only way to avoid damaging the stem. What are the two different cleaners intended to be used for? Is it preference or do they actually have separate functions?Listener Feedback: Hi Beau and Master Jon David, Gerson here. I am writing you guys to share with you and all Country Squire Radio community a bit of a special Brazilian folklore character deeply connected with pipe and pipe smoking called Saci Pererê. The Saci Pererê is considered one of the main characters in Brazilian folklore. Of course, there are many versions of his lore, bu