Purple Patch Podcast

Episode 256: There Is No Easy Way, But You Can Do It: Building the Mindset To Thrive in Sport (and Life)



In today’s episode of the Purple Patch Podcast, IRONMAN Master Coach Matt Dixon takes us back to the core values of Purple Patch Fitness to help provide perspective on framing your performance mindset. The simple fact is, anything worthwhile is inherently difficult. The road to Kona is riddled with adversity. As is spearheading the drive for your team or company’s success. Most of the time, that’s part of the fun. The challenge is the game. The goal always requires commitment, consistency, and hard work, but as time-starved athletes, you are faced with an optimization challenge. Where do you make the time for family, work, and training? How do you fit the performance journey into your already crowded schedule? There are many approaches that pitch the “less is more” mindset or “the easy way to (insert goal here).” But there is no shortcut, quick fix, or expert trick. Some approaches promise to help you find harmony and balance, but they miss the mark of your specific challenges and what you are trying to achie