Keen On Retirement

Can you really get a better return on life?



Most financial people talk about return on investment. Today, we’re going to talk about “return on life” with author and retirement expert Mitch Anthony. Mitch describes return on life in a couple ways. First, it’s about getting the best life you can with the money you have and second, it’s about managing your money in a way that improves your life. This is Part I of a two-part show on how to significantly increase your “return on life.” Imagine a picture of a sailboat whose sail is made out of a dollar. Mitch says money is simply a utility that we skillfully manipulate in order to navigate. As you picture that sailboat, it’s important to realize that money is not the shore we’re headed toward. It’s not the sea we sail upon. And it’s not the vessel upon which we sail. It’s simply a utility we use to help us live our most meaningful life. Our guest Mitch Anthony is the founder of the Financial Life Planning Institute, the author of multiple books, widely published in financial periodicals, an international spe