Keen On Retirement

Are You Losing Thousands of Dollars by Making These Behavioral Investing Mistakes?



Dr. Daniel Crosby is one of the country's leading authorities on behavioral investing. He joins the show today to discuss some of the key learnings from his new book, The Laws of Wealth. We review some of the rules of behavioral self-management and cover some key ideas to remember so we can all make sound financial decisions. One of the most important things we do at Keen Wealth Advisors is educating and helping our clients and listeners to be engaged in the planning process. I believe in lifetime learning, and that’s why we reached out to Dr. Crosby and asked him to be on the show. We like to collaborate with the best of the best, find out what's working and bring those ideas to our clients through our podcast and our meetings. As Dr. Crosby said on the podcast, "Behavioral finance tries to account for the messiness of imperfect human decision-making and amend it to make it a little bit closer to perfect."