Trail Correspondents

#2 | Introductions (Part 2)



This is episode two, part two, season two.  If you've listened to Backpacker Radio, you might be making assumptions about the subject of today's show.  But, lucky you, this one is not poo-themed.     Instead, we're going to meet the remainder of this season's trail correspondents.  Today's show will introduce you to our Appalachian Trail and Continental Divide Trail hikers.     In the interest of not repeating myself, I will quickly highlight our thinking in those we brought on for this year's show.  First, we wanted to feature primarily first time thru-hikers, as it's my belief that the during your first long distance trek, the highs are higher, and the lows are lower.  We wanted the emotion to jump through your headphones and/or speaker and into your soul.  Two, we wanted to feature a greater diversity of voice, to represent more communities, as the trail demographics tend to be rather homogenized.  We want to encourage as many people as possible to discover the magic of the backcountry- in a sustainable w