Trail Correspondents

#13 | The Thru-Hiker Diet: Favorite Foods, Hiker Hunger, and Nutrition Strategies (Group 2)



We hope you've got enough appetite to stomach another show about trail food, because today's edition is an all you can eat buffet of hiker fare. Our remaining PCT and CDT hikers weigh in on what their favorite trail foods are, what they're craving most, if they've been stricken with the notorious hiker hunger, how their food systems have evolved over the course of their hikes, and more. For anyone who's curious about how long distance backpackers manage their diets, this episode will provide plenty of food for thought. FIND US ON ITUNES | FIND US ON GOOGLE PLAY | FIND US ON STITCHER Get a 10% discount off at by using code "TREK10". In today's show, we hear from:  PCT HIKERS Karthikeya Nadendla Laura Stewart Julie Klazynski Liam Purtle Eric Dernbach & Alison Dernbach Angie Kane Check out our suggested PCT Gear List. CDT HIKERS Sara Dhooma Dosu [divider] Have any praise, questions, praise, comments, praise or praise for Backpacker Radio?  Reach out to Subscribe to