Trail Correspondents

#14 | The Social Dynamics of a Thru-Hike (Group 1)



There are many fascinating components to the thru-hiking lifestyle, none more so than the social dynamics a hiker will encounter during the course of this trek. Today our hikers give us a glimpse into the ways in which hikers group up on trail. We learn if they're hiking solo, with a partner, in a group and why, how the dynamics have evolved since the early days of their journeys, the friendships they've formed, how it's compared to their pre-trail expectations, and much more. FIND US ON ITUNES | FIND US ON GOOGLE PLAY | FIND US ON STITCHER Check out Appalachian Trials and Pacific Crest Trials. In today's show, we hear from:  Frozen Katharine Rudzitis Missy and Jon Baatz Kenneth Pararo Melissa Glass Nancy Alexander Sarah Herman Zack Munsell Jazmin Ortega [divider] Have any praise, questions, praise, comments, praise or praise for Trail Correspondents?  Reach out to Subscribe to this podcast on iTunes (and please leave us a review)!  Find us on Stitcher and Google Play. INSTAGRAM: