Trail Correspondents

#18 | Stories from the Trail



Grab a seat next to the rocking chair because today's show will feature some stories from the backcountry. We instructed our hikers to share a standout tale from their journey. It can be a highlight, lowlight, or something in between. The submissions are a delightful mix. We hear about one of our AT hikers who completed the 4-state challenge, one of our correspondents who played a part in rescuing a lost hiker, and another correspondent who had to use their SOS to save another hiker. Murphy's law.  FIND US ON ITUNES | FIND US ON GOOGLE PLAY | FIND US ON STITCHER Check out Appalachian Trials and Pacific Crest Trials. In today's show, we hear from:  Frozen Katharine Missy and Jon Kenneth Nancy Sarah Zack Jazmin Karthikeya Julie Eric and Alison (our brother sister duo) Angie Dosu [divider] Have any praise, questions, praise, comments, praise or praise for Backpacker Radio?  Reach out to Check out The Trek's store. Subscribe to this podcast on iTunes (and please leave us a review)!   Dow