Trail Correspondents

S3 Episode #6 | The Social Dynamic



Today we explore the social dynamic of a thru-hike.  If you've listened to previous seasons shows on this subject, you might think that you already know the answer to this question.  However, let us not forget, our trekkers are hiking against the current.  Whereas the vast majority of thru-hikers- regardless of which triple crown trail they're on- hike northbound, our hikers are trekking south.  For that reason, the bubbles that one experiences on the AT or PCT may look a lot different.  Or will it? In addition to the number of fellow hikers a person might encounter, we also hear about the quality of the companionship.  Our Correspondents are more than a month into their journey and we'll learn the role their fellow trekker is playing on the enjoyment of their own journey. Get 10% off at by using code "BEDROCKTRAIL2021" at checkout. Get 10% off at by using code "TC10" at checkout. [divider] Listen here Or download this episode. [divider] FIND US ON ITUNES | FIND US ON GOOG