Trail Correspondents

S3 Episode #9 | The Thru-Hiker's Diet



What does one eat on a backpacking trip?  It may seem like a simple question with an equally simple answer.  But dig a bit beneath the surface and, you'll quickly learn there's more nuance than you might originally think.  Not only do we get a taste of what goes into a day's menu for our hiker trash, but we also learn how their tastes have evolved while on trail, the much-anticipated Hiker Hunger- the point at which a trekker's stomach evolves into a bottomless pit, and general advice for how they go about thinking about their diets overall.  Check out Appalachian Trials and Pacific Crest Trials. In today's episode we hear from: Jeff "Link" Podmayer Juli "M8" Wolter Laura Waltrous Natalie "Ibex" Parker Monica "Moss" Aguilar Henri "Rooster" de la Vega [divider] Have any praise, questions, praise, comments, praise, or praise for Trail Correspondents? Reach out to Subscribe to this podcast on iTunes (and please leave us a review)! Download this episode here. Find us on Stitcher and Googl