Trail Correspondents

S3 Episode #13 | The Last Week on Trail



Today brings us to our hikers last week on trail.  Here, we asked our hikers to reflect on their journey overall.  Although this isn't technically a wildcard episode, we gave our Correspondents free rein to focus in on whatever they felt most passionate about in the process of looking back on their journeys.   You'll hear some disbelief, you'll hear some excitement, you'll hear some somber thoughts.  This one runs the full spectrum, and appropriately so. FIND US ON ITUNES | FIND US ON GOOGLE PLAY | FIND US ON STITCHER Check out Appalachian Trials and Pacific Crest Trials. In today's episode we hear from: Cal "Starburst" Dobbs Jeff "Link" Podmayer Lara Waltrous Henri "Rooster" de la Vega Natalie L Parker [divider] Have any praise, questions, praise, comments, praise, or praise for Trail Correspondents? Reach out to Subscribe to this podcast on iTunes (and please leave us a review)! Download this episode here. Find us on Stitcher and Google Play. INSTAGRAM: Follow Trail Correspondent