The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

504 Two Things To Work On For Achieving Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Japan



Over the last couple of years I have participated in numerous webinars and training provided by different organisations on gaining Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in Japan.  The concentration has been on raising awareness about what DEI actually involves.  When we first received enquiries about Diversity training, the request was to provide training for the women.  For those outside Japan facing ethnic, racial and religious issues, as well as gender diversity, this may seem a bit strange. Diversity in Japan however primarily focuses on gender issues and to a much lesser extent on age and LGBTQ issues.  Also there just aren’t significant numbers of foreigners living here nor significant non-Buddhist or non-Shinto foreign religions present to be major issues.  Diversity and equity are outcomes and we believe the key to the door is gaining inclusion.  The awareness discussions are important, but we need to go beyond that to looking at the “how” to get inclusion piece.  That is a big discussion and we canno