Moody Presents

2023-02-25 Restoring the Wayward Heart - Part 1



Welcome to MOODY PRESENTS with Mark Jobe, President of Moody Bible Institute and Senior Pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago. Pastor Mark has dedicated his time at Moody to help students with their relationship with God and with others. Even further reaching is the fact that Pastor Mark has planted several churches in the Chicago area meant to help people renew and rebuild their relationships with God.  On today’s program and for the next several weeks well see that sometimes it means making  big choices to do what is necessary to re-connect with God and get back on track with Him… which is why we are very  excited about the new series that starts today: RENEWAL: Your Life, Your City, Your World.  We’re not going to waste any time as we head right to the Old Testament and if you are able, with your bibles open to Ezra chapter 1, let's listen to  “Restoring the Wayward Heart” on MOODY PRESENTS.See for privacy information.