Sydney Writers' Festival

Changing Hearts, Changing Minds



Generations of inertia on the climate crisis, entrenched political partisanship and a public sphere defined by the volume of opinions rather than the willingness to listen means changing minds is a big ask. But from teachers to activists, artists and corporations, a huge effort has gone into trying to effect real change. What tools of persuasion, what methods of advocacy, what direct action is fair game when it comes to trying to get one’s cause across? What does the collision between the individual and big institutions look like? And does ideology have any chance against the forces of capital? Host Matt Beard and panellists Thomas Mayor, Sara M. Saleh and Carl Rhodes (Woke Capitalism) discuss the challenges and ethical dilemmas of trying to make a difference. If you enjoyed this episode, please rate and follow our channel. Sydney Writers' Festival podcasts are available on all major podcast platforms.See for privacy information.