Your Mileage May Vary

Aella Science, Status Seeking, Eating Out, DTF, Thrusting Frustration



Going through Aella's "scientific" studies is a pretty interesting exercise, so I decided to dedicate part of this episode to her findings. She uncovers data about fetishes, the definition of rape, political and gender differences. Down to the nitty gritty, a man is trying to figure out if his thrusting technique is sub-par, made more difficult by his issues with premature ejaculation. A couple men have issues giving oral sex to women. A woman wonders whether she really is too pretty to give a good blowjob. And, is it compelling at all to women when men "slap" their vulvae, either with their hand or their penis? Here are links to Aella's scientific work: To see Uncle T's most recent episode, here's a link: We get a lot of our questions from Reddit, so for our listeners' enjoyment, here are links to some of the questions we discussed this week: