Your Mileage May Vary

Polyamory in the Real World: Lust Life Love



This week I interviewed Stephanie Sellars who both wrote and appeared in the movie Lust Life Love, about the experiences of people in the polyamorous lifestyle. I enjoyed the movie thoroughly, watched it twice and took notes. Without giving too much away, some things I wondered about were the prevalence of MFF versus MMF situations in poly arrangements. How important are ground rules, and is poly a lifestyle choice that can work long-term. The film depicts a polyamorous club/party scene which frankly surprised me. I always imagine such situations as mostly dominated by men looking for hookups or partners, but I learned that the film is based heavily in reality. As often happens with these subjects, I found myself wondering what's in it for each person. I get that the most obvious thing straight man gets out of polyamory is multiple partners. But what about other folks, and is that really the main reason a straight man would do it? And, is polyamory a lifestyle or something you're born wanting to do? For more